Dr.rer.nat Chonthicha Suwattanasophon
Computational Biochemist
นักวิเคราะห์โมเลกุล ผู้ออกแบบและพัฒนาสารจากสมุนไพรด้วยการวิเคราะห์จากเทคโนโลยีคอมพิวเตอร์ขั้นสูง

University of Vienna
Doktor der Natuwissenshaften (Dr.rer.nat), Physics
Dissertation: Molecular Modelling of Voltage-gated Calcuim Channels
Mahidol University
Masters of Science, Physics
Thesis: Molecular Dynamics of Bacillus Thuringiensis Cry4Ba Toxin
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Bachelor of Science, Physics
Senior project: Study of the Second Harmonic of Nd-YAG lasers.
Senior Postdoc
Department of Physiological Chemistry at University of Vienna and Department of Biochemistry at Kasetsart University Thailand
10/2018 – Present
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics at University of Vienna and Department of Biochemistry at Kasetsart University Thailand
3/2015 – 9/2018
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at University of Vienna
8/2014 – 3/2015
Department of Molecular Neurosciences at Medical University of Vienna and Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Vienna
3/2013 – 6/2013
Doctoral research, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
University of Vienna at Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Vienna
10/2007 – 3/2011
Pibulsongkhram Rajabhat University, Thailand
6/2004 – 3/2006
Masters research, Department of Physics
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
6/2001 – 3/2004
Teacher assistant
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
6/2001 – 3/2002
N. Akhtar, N.; Kaushik, V.; Grewal, R. K.; Wani, A. K.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Choowongkomon, K.; Oliva, R.; Shaikh, A. R.; Cavallo, L.; Chawla, M., Immunoinformatics-Aided Design of a Peptide Based Multiepitope Vaccine Targeting Glycoproteins and Membrane Proteins against Monkeypox Virus. Viruses 2022, 14 (11), 2374.
Jiwacharoenchai, N.; Tabtimmai, L.; Kiriwan, D.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Seetaha, S.; Sinthuvanich, C.; Choowongkomon, K., A novel cyclic NP1 reveals obstruction of EGFR kinase activity and attenuation of EGFR-driven cell lines. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2022, 123 (2), 248-258.
Sangpheak, K.; Mueller, M.; Darai, N.; Wolschann, P.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Ruga, R.; Chavasiri, W.; Seetaha, S.; Choowongkomon, K.; Kungwan, N., Computational screening of chalcones acting against topoisomerase Ila and their cytotoxicity towards cancer cell lines. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 2019, 34 (1), 134-143
Suwattanasophon, C.; Songtawee, N.; Wolschann, P.; Choowongkomon, K., Molecular dynamics simulations of asymmetric heterodimers of HER1/HER2 complexes. Journal of Molecular Modeling 2018, 24 (1), 1-9.
Suwattanasophon, C.; Wolschann, P.; Faller, R., Molecular dynamics simulations on the interaction of the transmembrane Na v Ab channel with cholesterol and lipids in the membrane. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2016, 34 (2), 318-326.
Puthenkalam, R.; Hieckel, M.; Simeone, X.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Feldbauer, R. V.; Ecker, G. F.; Ernst, M., Structural studies of GABAA receptor binding sites: which experimental structure tells us what? Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 2016, 9, 44.
Karmazinova, M.; Beyl, S.; Stary-Weinzinger, A.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Klugbauer, N.; Hering, S.; Lacinova, L., Cysteines in the loop between IS5 and the pore helix of CaV3. 1 are essential for channel gating. Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 2010, 460 (6), 1015-1028.
Stary, A.; Suwattanasophon, C.; Wolschann, P.; Buchbauer, G., Differences in (-) citronellal binding to various odorant receptors. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2007, 361 (4), 941-945.