Service Information for Testing the Quantities of Adenosine and Cordycepin Using HPLC Technique
VISBIO offers services for examination and analysis of the biomarker quantities of Adenosine and Cordycepin using the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique. We provide this service for all products within the health and beauty industry. The highly significant substances derived from rented herbal sources mainly consist of various types, but the primary bioactive compounds are Adenosine and Cordycepin. These compounds are known for their ability to stimulate oxygen binding in the bloodstream, aiding in respiratory functions, asthma, allergies, as well as promoting blood circulation, preventing blood clotting, and improving heart rhythm according to traditional Chinese medical references. Additionally, Cordycepin is believed to nourish the energy of the kidneys and lungs, stop bleeding, dissolve phlegm, and treat sexual dysfunction, lower back pain, knee pain, leg weakness due to the weakened energy of the kidneys.
Cordyceps Mushroom
Cordyceps, also known as “Tang Hua Choa” or “Tong Tung Chai,” is a medicinal herb mentioned in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia “Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu” by Li Shizhen during the Ming Dynasty. It is a fungus that resides inside the larvae of nighttime moths that hibernate during the winter, emerging as the ice melts. The spores of the fungus are carried away by the melted ice and fall to the ground, providing nourishment for these larvae.
As the warmer season arrives and sunlight reaches them, the fungus spores begin to grow and develop internally. They transform into mycelium, extending outward from the mouth of the larvae. They take on a shape similar to a stick or club, utilizing sunlight and extracting nutrients and minerals from the larvae to facilitate their growth. During this process, the larvae themselves gradually die, turning into mummified remains. Consequently, “Cordyceps” consists of two parts: the deceased larvae and the fungus with medicinal properties.
The golden Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris) is a pathogenic fungus that affects insects. It belongs to the Cordyceps genus in the Clavicipitaceae family. It’s an important medicinal mushroom that proliferates in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Cordyceps (Cordyceps) has been utilized in traditional medicine practices, particularly in Eastern Asia, including both traditional Chinese medicine and Tibetan medicine. It has been used as medicine, a nutritive food, and is consumed directly as a dietary supplement and health product.
Chemical Composition of Cordyceps
Cordyceps contains several important components, but the main ones that have significant biological effects are adenosine and cordycepin. Adenosine is another important active compound in addition to cordycepin in Cordyceps. Adenosine stimulates oxygen uptake in the bloodstream, aids in respiratory function, helps with asthma, allergies, and immune system function. Additionally, adenosine helps in blood clot dissolution, prevents clot formation, improves blood circulation, and regulates heart rhythm.
Polysaccharides (Beta-glucans) are effective in stimulating the immune system, reducing blood sugar levels, and acting as antioxidants. They slow down the aging of various cells effectively.
According to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, which covers information about natural medicine, Cordyceps is categorized as an alternative treatment option with a high level of credibility.
Cordyceps is a Chinese herbal medicine containing various nutrients, such as galactomannan, adenosine, cordycepin, cordycepic acid, amino acids, sterols (ergosterol, beta-sitosterol), proteins, various vitamins (E, K, B1, B2, and B12), potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium.
Medicinal Properties of Cordyceps
According to traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps possesses medicinal properties that nourish the vital energy of the kidneys and lungs, stop bleeding, and dissolve phlegm. It is used to treat conditions such as sexual dysfunction, lower back pain, knee pain, and weakness in the legs, which are attributed to diminished kidney energy (characterized by sensitivity to cold, cold limbs, frequent urination, nocturnal urination, clear urine, chronic lower back pain, and knee pain). However, if sexual dysfunction arises from other causes like stress, obstruction of vital energy and blood flow, or lower back and knee pain due to accidents, incorrect posture, or bone and nerve compression, tamarind might not provide direct relief.
High-quality Cordyceps extracts are used in dietary supplements and cosmetics.
In recent years, Cordyceps has gained attention in the realm of health supplements. It’s praised for its medicinal properties that contribute to overall well-being. Key substances found in Cordyceps include Adenosine and Cordycepin. These compounds stimulate oxygen binding in the bloodstream, aid in respiratory functions, alleviate conditions like asthma and allergies, and prevent blood clotting. Additionally, Adenosine helps prevent blood clotting, improving blood circulation. Considering future development and research, innovative technologies will likely be employed to enhance the value of Cordyceps, incorporating it as an ingredient in health products.
Example of Adenosine and Cordycepin Results Reporting Using HPLC
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